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And I take our program public

Today I had the honor of presenting an Emotion Management Program my School Counselor Sarah and I developed last year to help our...

Tricks of My Trade

In my travels and discussions with other school nurses I hear time and time again "My office is so busy. I can not get a minute to even...

First Day Advice

It was during my very first day at my new school that I sat with my Principal and he gave me the BEST advice. It was so very simple. "Get...

The New Path

School nursing has been such a joy in my life. Upon first examining the specialty, I was first turned off by the financial adjustment my...

A Look Back to Look Forward: Family

The year was 1991 and I was a senior in high school. I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life and was on the path to it. I had...

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Holding Hands

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A Wholehearted Approach to Nursing

Welcome to Nursing with a Healing Heart, a unique blog here for you to explore. Nursing with a Healing Heart has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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